Monday, September 09, 2024

Sept 9, 2024 … His Church Prevails

Sept 9, 2024 … His Church Prevails

Devotional Song: ... GO TO THIS LINK ...    to hear the groups Elevation Worship and Maverick City, with music and lyrics, singing Build Your Church,  declaring that upon the Rock of Christ The Lord will build His church.   

The Cross still stands !!! ... 


Highlight Passage: … Matthew 16:18 [NLT] … 

18 Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’),  and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it  

… Jesus declares that He will build His church which will prevail over all who would come against Him.    


Highlight Passage (in context): …  Matthew 16:13-19 NLT] … USE THIS LINK  

Jesus declares to His Disciples that He will build His church.                                                     


Reference Passage: … Psalms 127:1 … [NLT] … USE THIS LINK   

  God, thru Solomon’s song, shows that unless God builds His house, the work of mankind is in vain.                      

Reference Passage: … 1Corinthians 3:11 [NLT] … USE THIS LINK   

… Christ alone its the foundation of His church.   

Reference Passage: …  Ephesians 2:19-20 [NLT] … USE THIS LINK   

… The Apostle Paul teaches that  God’s family is His church with Jesus Christ as its cornerstone.          

Reference Passage: …  Ephesians 4:11-12 [NLT] … USE THIS LINK   

… The Apostle Paul also teaches that God provides His church, equipped as His body and for HIs glory.  

Reference Passage: … 2Timothy 3:16-17 [NLT] …  USE THIS LINK  

… Paul teaches Timothy (and us) that God’s word equips His body, … thru HIs word, … to carry out all good works.   

Reference Passage: … 1Peter 2:4-5 [NLT] …  USE THIS LINK  

… Peter shows that God’s Temple will be built with the work of God’s people and with Jesus as the cornerstone.    


My Devotional JournalToday’s Our Daily Bread  Author, Jennifer Benson Schuldt  -  AT THIS LINK   told of the Balsora Baptist Church burned to the ground and when the church congregation gathered to view the remains of the church, they saw a charred cross standing among the ruins (see photo), which showed them that Christ remained in spite of the fire, and that He was calling for His church to be rebuilt for His glory. 


And today’s ODB entry is calling me, with the challenge of the linked song and the Scriptures above, to do all I can to let Jesus use my works (and yours) as His Church, to build God’s church with Christ as our cornerstone and God’s word as our building blocks.  Are you with me today, … working together to build His Temple?

My THANKFULNESS: ... Oh, Abba Father, thank You, King Jesus, … for calling me and my fellow Christians, to work to build Your Temple today.      

My Prayer Today: Oh Abba Father, ... King Jesus, ... . I’m praying that those who read with me here will join me to be Your workers, building Your church, Lord, today.     Amen



Blogger Note:  Everyday during this year, my daily devotional blogs are influenced by the reading and study of the online devotional blog entitled “Our Daily Bread,” distributed online via email by RBC Ministries.  If you GO TO THIS LINK on the date of my blog, you can read/study the ODB blogs; or you can subscribe to the blog via email at that site.

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