Friday, August 05, 2011

August 5, 2011 … Loving Money Focuses on the Temporal

Passage of the Day: 1st Timothy 6: 7 … 6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 6 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.

My Journal for Today:
You’ve heard it before … “You can’t take it with you!”

It’s a simple lesson, for sure; so this devotional entry will be short and sweet [well, maybe not-so-sweet]. But I’m almost sure that we’ve all experienced the desire to go for the most we can get in the here-and-now. Money-love very easily seduces non-believers and Christians alike into temporal concerns; and in doing so, believers can lose focus on our trust in God.

Today’s verse is a terse warning from Paul to Timothy (and, of course to all Christians), telling us that our concerns need to be on the eternal rather than on the temporal. And God’s word is replete with restatements of this concern (see Prov. 27: 24, Job 1: 21, and Eccl. 5: 15) as well as the direct teachings of Jesus (Mark 8: 26, Matt. 6: 19 – 21, and Luke 12: 15 – 21). And in this latter passage from Christ, the parable of the rich young fool, Jesus very pointedly teaches His followers that WE cannot know when we will be taken from this life and into our eternity. Therefore, He exhorts His disciples to cultivate and be ever vigilant with our attitude of trust in God … and to be in total surrender to God’s will and His providence.

God provides the temporal so that we can prepare for the eternal. In Christ we have our ALL-IN-ALL; and in Him we have our forever. [Oooh! That has to be a God-thought; because I made that up; and I’m not smart enough to think that one up!] … We really need say little else to emphasize this point.

My Prayer Today: Help me to trust You, Lord, for everything. Amen

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