Tuesday, October 26, 2010

2010 – October 26 – No Worries Today!

Study from God’s Word Matthew, Chapters 5 – 7 and portions of Luke 6 from which we read Jesus’ famous and beloved “Sermon on the Mount,” likely delivered to a crowd of followers on a hillside just outside of Capernaum … Passage for Reflection: Matthew 6: 34 … NIV 33But seek first [God’s] kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things [the essentials of life] will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

My Journal for Today:
Dr. LaGard Smith in his devotional entry for this date in The Daily Bible Devotional focuses on one of the teaching points Jesus emphasized in his Sermon on the Mount which was the focus of my devotional reading from The Daily Bible in Chronological Order today. And there is probably not one teaching from that great exposition about the kingdom of God where mankind transgresses any more than on the matter of stress, worry, or misplaced concern.

Who reading here with me this day would not have to admit – or confess – participating all too often in needless worry? And Dr. Smith asks a series of challenging questions which will likely nail you with conviction as much as it did me. He points to how many pills or drugs could/would be eliminated if we didn’t fret as much as we do. How many countless hours are wasted on worries about the stock market or the potential for terrorism in our world? How much of our health or well being is damaged because of our sinful worrying. And yes, my friend, it is sin we’re speaking of here, isn’t it?

And no, Jesus is not preaching about appropriate concern for you’re the well being of your kids or necessary planning for you to be a good steward of God’s providence. What our Lord is emphasizing here is the selfish – and yes, sinful – worrying and fretting that is birthed by our lack of faith in God’s providence and His love for His children. Do we really think God, our heavenly Father, is not big enough or caring enough to provide for His kids? So, Jesus was preaching to show His followers (and that includes you and me, I assume) that any time or mental effort we waste on worry is really a matter of choosing to focus on self rather than relying on our Savior.

And I’m not going to go off at length any more about this here this morning. I’m just going to take my conviction and be determined to move toward the reality and truth expressed in our Bible in passages like Isaiah 26: 3 … 1st Peter 5: 7 … and Proverbs 3: 5-6; because if I live in the reality of these truths, I will move toward God’s peace and away from any selfish, frivolous concerns or worry which stand in the way of a deep/abiding relationship with my Lord.
How about joining me today in a day of boycotting of self and resting securely in the love of God?

My Prayer for Today: Lord, today I rest in YOU and let YOU take control of my ship. Amen

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