Saturday, July 09, 2011

July 9, 2011 … In Order That You May KNOW

Passage of the Day: 1st John 5: 13 … I write these things [i.e., truth from God’s testimony of Christ to counteract man’s testimony, - see 1st John 5: 9 – 12 - the “antichrists” of John’s day] to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may KNOW that you have eternal life.

My Journal for Today: In my years as a Christian and in ministry, I have heard a number of Christians, in a quandary, say, “How can I really know I’m saved?” Early in my Christian walk, I wondered that as well. But the more I got to know God through His word that became a non-issue with me; and I hope/pray that it is such with you as well.

But if you are reading this as a Christian and you’re in a place of insecurity with regard to your salvation, let me introduce you to the Book of 1st John, a letter that the Apostle John wrote, as you can read in today’s verse, for the expressed purpose to let God assure Christians of their salvation. And John MacArthur in his devotional, Strength for Today, which I’ve been using as the foundation of my devotional journal entries, presents eleven criteria from John’s first epistle to help Christians understand and be secure in their salvation.

Therefore, in the next eleven days, I’ll be following MacArthur’s lead by presenting these eleven points from First John, providing us, as Christians, with a point-by-point analysis of the Apostle John’s treatise on the assurance of a true Christian’s salvation. If you come along with me, when we’ve completed this analysis together, you will know whether you are saved, … or not. And if not, you’ll also know how you can make it a “done deal” for now and for eternity by repenting of your sinfulness, surrendering your heart, receiving God’s saving grace, and declaring openly to others of your salvation (see Rom. 10: 9 – 13 - linked).

And there is no more pertinent project for you, as a Christian, than to do what it takes to know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that you are saved. Not knowing is like building a life on quicksand, never being able to be sure of your eternal security. However, the opposite side of that word picture is also true. A Christian, who is sure of his/her salvation, can be confident that he is pursuing the Lord, Who has saved him and is leading him in life. The storms of life are going to be difficult, even for the confident Christian; but KNOWING that I’m saved has given me the confidence to weather the storms as well as the direction to come out on the other side of life’s storms a better, more confident person in the process.

Therefore, take note of the points from the Book of 1st John in the next eleven days; and we’ll do some storm preparation together.

My Prayer Today: Show me the way, Lord! Amen

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