Friday, November 07, 2008

Pursuing Godly Wisdom - November - Day 7

November 7, 2008 …

Passage of the Day:
Job 28: 28 [in bold] … 23 God understands the way to it [i.e., wisdom] and He alone knows where it dwells, 24 for He views the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. 25 When He established the force of the wind and measured out the waters, 26 when He made a decree for the rain and a path for the thunderstorm, 27 then He looked at wisdom and appraised it; He confirmed it and tested it. 28 And He said to man, 'The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.' "

My Journal for Today: If you’re following along with me this month, yesterday I asked you to read and meditate upon Job, all of Chapter 28, where the much maligned Job lamented about where one might find God’s mind – i.e., His wisdom. And in verse 28, Job quoted God’s decree of where it can be found … in the “fear of the Lord,” … with the understanding of God’s wisdom being exhibited by the believer in the shunning of evil.

This is the same refrain echoed by Solomon when the King wrote to his son (and to you and me by extension), “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge [i.e., wisdom], but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” [Proverbs 1: 7] And in Prov. 9: 10, Solomon similarly penned, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.“

Solomon really wanted his son to understand how important Godly wisdom was for God’s children; and I believe through his life and many failures (chronicled in the book of Ecclesiastes), Solomon had come to the realization of where true wisdom resides – i.e., in the mind of God alone; and that is where it must be pursued. So, if Solomon’s son – and any Christian – desired to understand and reflect Godly wisdom in his/her life, that one must know God’s mind. And for us, as Christians pursuing Godly wisdom, the best place to find God’s mind is in God’s word (see 2nd Tim. 3: 16 – 17).

Therefore, for the Christian, fearing God [i.e., revering and/or submitting to God, the Holy Spirit], is the key to open God’s mind for His wisdom; and this begins at salvation and growing to the extent that the believer (i.e., converted Christian) knows and reveres God and lives according to His truth. All of life, therefore, becomes a head-long – no, probably better said, a “heart-long” – pursuit to know God; because the more a Christian knows God, that believer will reflect God in living worship, which is the 24/7 life of Godly values, attitudes, and behavior [and right now some of you may be thinking of Romans 12: 1-2, which reflects this truth].

So, I must ask myself - as should you – “Do I fear God? … Do I know Him?” And my answer is to both questions is, for sure; … BUT … NOT WELL ENOUGH! Therefore, as the word picture in Job 28 indicates [see yesterday’s entry], it will be my life-long pursuit to mine God’s mind from His word.

My Prayer Today: To know You, Lord is to live for You. Amen

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