Wednesday, April 15, 2009

2009 – Day 104.Apr. 15 – Humble Appointment

2009 – Day 104.Apr. 15 – Humble Appointment

Passage of the Day: 1st Samuel 16: 12 - 23 …
Link to 1st Sam. 16 for study …

My Journal for Today:
Now, in my study of the character and times of David, along with Chuck Swindoll’s devotionals, we finally come to our first real look at the young shepherd who would become king. He is called in out of the fields by Samuel and his daddy, Jesse, probably leaving his sheep and goats to a delegated sub-shepherd. I can just imagine him coming in to the family, smelling like sheep, and wondering what was going on. And here he’s confronted with this old man he doesn’t know, who takes a horn filled with scented oil and pours it over his head. The scene had to have been uncomfortable, at best, for David … and maybe even a bit comical.

BUT, this was serious business. Here a young shepherd boy was in the presence of God’s messenger, Samuel, who was telling Jesse’s family that David would become king of all of God’s chosen people one day. And after the anointing, we read on that Samuel left the young boy to go back out in the fields to continue shepherding his flocks. And in this scenario we once again see the quality of humility which God had seen in this young boy. However, David, from the moment that oil was poured over his head would never be the same. Why? Because, as we read, God’s Spirit came upon him, indwelling his heart; and now David was claimed by God’s favor and power for God’s plan and purpose.

And we see God’s plan beginning to unfold as Saul, the king, has the emotional need of someone, a musician, to calm his frayed nerves. And lo and behold, who, in God’s providence had the talent to become the king’s harpist? Surely we’re not naïve enough to think that it was a coincidence that someone in Saul’s court knew of David’s talent as a harpist and a writer/singer of songs. No, this was no coincidence. God was beginning to set in motion the events which would bring David together with Saul; and at this point, Saul seemed to be drawn to David. Later, we know that God’s Spirit, having departed from Saul, would cause Saul to be jealous of this young anointed one. But at this point in the historical account, Saul is also drawn to the humility of this boy who loved King Saul and had such a servant’s heart. And so, Saul makes David his armor bearer, a favored position with close access to the king. God is at work, moving these two toward the events which would change the course of Israel.

Can you see that the same Spirit of God Who came into the heart of God’s chosen king of Israel is the same God, the Holy Spirit, which now resides in your heart if you have received the anointing of God by receiving Christ as your Lord and Savior. And if you (or I) can be humble like David, willing to serve our King, Who is the King of kings, we can be God’s servant just like David was, … carrying out God’s will for our life and giving glory to God in the process. As I write this I am quickened by this reality; and I’m humbled to realize that God, as He did with David, has anointed me with God’s plan and purpose for my life. And our Lord has indwelt me – or you, fellow Christian - with His Spirit to give us the unction and power to carry out His purpose for our life – just as we read God is doing for David in today’s Scripture passage.

I hope that gives you “chill bumps” of direction and purpose, as it has done for me this day.

My Prayer for Today: Thank You, Lord, for you anointing on my life. Help me to be humble to receive it and become your servant. Amen


Tom H said...

How do you tell being at peace with a decision is not just being comfortable where you are at? For example I feel at "peace" about not moving to a job that is harder with poor living conditions and not leaving central chruch. But Moses didn't "want" to go back to Egypt.

I guess just pray that God will take your desires away and replace them with his desires.

Sorry for the unrelated comment but I am trying to finish your Moses blogs also.

Bill said...

Tom, I emailed a reply and a request to you. ... Bill