It's not all that uncommon for our grandbabes, who live here locally, to stay with us for an overnighter, giving our kids a chance to do something without having to worry about their little ones. And besides saving money for babysitters is a pretty good luxury for them too. AND, yes, Oma and PawPaw love it too!! But when we discovered this little momento, pictured above, we were somewhat blown away with the realization of what Sydney had done.
Sometimes, you wonder at this young age whether you're leaving any permanent lagacy in the lives of your grandchildren; but in what Sydney wrote on the page pictured above, we have been given a wonderful sign of the greatest legacy any parent or grandparent can implant into the lives of their kids or grandkids ... and that, of course, is God.
Take careful note of what Sydney has written, spontaneously and with no prompting from Oma or PawPaw. When I asked her about it, Syd reported that while her sister was watching a lttle bit of Veggie Tales on TV before they went to bed that night, she had discovered the Bible in our guest room where they to sleep overnight. And she told me that she began looking up verses she knew or had memorized from her home schooling or the classical ed program both girls participate in one day each week.
Sydney went on to tell me that she was just writing down some of her thoughts about what God had written in the Bible. ... WOW!! Seven years old; and she's already getting God's word into her heart and journaling her ideas about it. I think you might see why this old Christian PawPaw might be busting with a bit of healthy spiritual pride here.
Well, when we found this legacy jewel, I recognized how special it was; and I almost ran out to have it laminated; as a sign of what her parents have passed on to their kids from what we have apparently given to them; and that is the realization that God loves us and He is with us always and that we need to obey His word.
Yes, this most certainly was a WOW moment in the Berry Patch. ... <'BB><
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