My Journal for Today: Today’s highlight verse seems like such an innocent tag line to the end of the first chapter of the book of Daniel. However, upon analysis, and later reading in the book, we discover that Daniel was blessed by God’s favor to have great influence over the Babylonian nation/culture in those times for many years and through three kings … well into the take-over of the Medo-Persian Empire under King Darius (also known as “Cyrus”). This was a full seventy years after Daniel had come to a position of influence under Nebuchadnezzar and later Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar’s son, most certainly illustrating just how much God blessed Daniel, the young man whom we read about and are using as a biblical character model of spiritual integrity.
Now, we might not have the socio-political influence of a Daniel in our post-modern culture and world, especially in the highest office in America as I write this; but as believers in the same God Daniel worshipped, we can hold the same degree of integrity, faith, and commitment to THE one true God. And thereby, like Daniel, being obedient to our God, we can expect God’s grace to favor us … maybe not in the same way; but most certainly we can expect God’s blessing in HIS way and in His time to be ours.
John MacArthur, in Strength for Today, points out in his devotional for this date, that we should all live expectantly to hear the words of The Messiah, as I’m sure Daniel heard from the Lord in heaven when he departed this earth, …“Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master's happiness!.” [Matthew 25: 23] Could there be any more motivating truth to guide our lives, seeking after Christlike integrity, than the anticipation of these words from Jesus when we enter into His presence in glory?
My Prayer Today: That is my prayer, Lord, … to be Your faithful servant and to be an effective witness in Your Name. Amen
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