26 “I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end. 27 He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.”
My Journal for Today: The proclamation by King Darius, honoring Daniel’s God, was made by a pagan king of a pagan nation; and it illustrates the impact that God can have through just one man (or woman) who stands with integrity for God. Yes, just one person stands up for God to another, especially one of influence or power, in God’s timing, and it can, through God’s enabling grace, have the kind of influence/impact that Daniel had on King Darius (a.k.a., King Cyrus).
In his devotional for this date from Strength for Today, John MacArthur helps me (us) see other examples … e.g., Noah stood for God, being labeled crazy as he built the ark; … Joseph witnessed to Egypt, having been delivered from the pits and prison; … Moses, came from the wilderness and banishment to Egypt to deliver God’s people from slavery; … a young Gideon was lifted from hiding in a wine barrel to become a great leader in battle for Israel; … and Esther was God’s agent to save God’s people from wickedness and oppression in a culture where women were considered property. All of these were common people at the time God intervened and chose them, using them for His glory in uncommon witness.
But you may say, as I thought in reading this list, “I’m not a giant of the faith like these!” But look at how Jesus called His disciples. These men were not giants of the faith when Jesus called them. Those whom I mentioned above were not “giant’s” of faith when God called them to extraordinary duty. Yet, their witness in God’s timing and purpose, with their faith and surrender to God’s plan, changed the world forever.
The lesson here is that ANYONE can be used for God’s glory when that one surrenders completely to God’s purpose in His timing. Perhaps you or I can be God’s chosen witness to a lost person in our family or in our work place, even one of influence who might have great impact on others as was the case with a King Darius. Perhaps the position and influence you hold with others, with those people seeing Christ being lived out in your life, can have an enormous ripple effect on others for Christ over time. We won’t know when and how God will use something we say or how we live by faith to draw someone to Himself and then use that person for His glory.
When I was a hardened agnostic many years ago, a Christian acquaintance loaned me a cassette tape by a Christian speaker on the subject of one’s faith being lived out in our everyday lives; and that tape brought me to brokenness on April 13, 1983, the day I opened my life to Christ. And now that same former “anti-Christian” has, over three decades later, has become an ordained Christian minister and has been called to found and lead Battle Plan Ministry. Only God can do something like that; but He used one Christian standing up for his faith and witnessing to me boldly to bring yours truly into God’s family. Who do you know to whom God is calling you to witness today?
My Prayer Today: Use me even this day, Lord, in Your time, for Your purpose! Amen
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