Thursday, December 13, 2012

December 13, 2012 … Tripping for Christ

Chronological Bible Reading Plan - Day 348  

Passage of the Day: Reference of Today’s Chronological Bible Study: Acts, Chapters 27-28 To study these chapters, go to this link -

Blogger's Note: See map of Paul’s journey to Rome from 59-61 AD. Click on map for larger view.}

Highlight Passages: Acts 27 : [NLT] … {In Chapter 27 of Acts Luke documents Paul being taken from Caesarea to Rome by ship by the Romans. Paul was still a prisoner, being transported to testify before the Emperor; and he had a Roman Captain, named Julius, to watch over his transport to Rome. Writing about this trip, Luke, by the use of the pronoun “we,” and the detailed account of the journey, was allowed to travel with Paul; and it’s quite remarkable that Luke’s devotion to Paul made him willing to make this rather risky, 2000+ mile, journey along with Paul to Rome. Also, though not specified directly, the relationship between Julius and Paul became critical, saving Paul’s life when there was a shipwreck along the way, documented in this Chapter. And we also see how God watched over Paul, even sending an Angel to give Paul prophetic messages during the ship’s journey; and especially concerning a shipwreck near Malta.} See the map which depicts Paul’s harrowing journey to Rome.

Highlight Passages: Acts 28 : [NLT] … {I hope you’ve read Chapter 28 of Acts, where Luke, traveling with Paul to Rome, documents the remarkable set of circumstances of Paul’s travels to Rome, being guarded by Julius, but received in Rome by Jews and Christians there and given housing. And when it Rome Paul compulsively and compellingly preaches the Gospel message, leading to a number of Jews being saved. This saga of travels in the later life of Paul shows how God watches over those who are walking totally within the will of God’s purposes.}

Reference Passage: Romans 8: 28 : [NLT] … {As we’re “tripping for Jesus” in our lives, do we really believe this powerful truth?} And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. 

My Journal for Today: If you’re here, reading my blog today, I hope you’ve taken the time to read or re-read through the final two chapters of the Book of Acts, where Luke documents the long and harrowing trip where God engineered a 2000+ mile journey by ship, under Roman guard, for Paul from Caesarea to Rome in 61AD. Luke was traveling along with Paul; and that’s why his historical descriptions were so detailed and precise; and the events of this journey, with Paul “tripping for Christ,” as I’ve titled my blog today, historically and accurately support – for me – the truth Paul had written earlier to the Romans in Romans 8: 28, which I’ve copied above. Truly ALL THINGS do work together for God’s good purposes in the lives of Christians – even when they are life-threatening and extremely difficult at times.
But do we believe that?  It’s hard at times, isn’t it, when the circumstances of life come down around us? Think of the events depicted in Acts, Chapter 27-28, where Paul’s boat ride was ship-wrecked and all of the crew were saved because Julius, Paul’s Roman guard, convinced the crew not to kill the prisoners, believing Paul’s prophetic visions from an angel. Think of the time Paul was saved from death when he was bitten by a poisonous snake on the Isle of Malta. And then how all of this elevated Paul’s credibility in the eyes of the people whom he contacted during the journey so that they would esteem Paul very highly, which gave Paul credibility to preach the Gospel when he got to Rome, “tipping for Jesus.”

What I glean from Chapters 27-28 of Acts is a strong reinforcement of my belief in Romans 8: 28 and the adage I was taught by a mentor years ago … that God’s calling is His enablement!! When God has a calling on someone’s life, as he did with Paul’s, or as He has a plan for the lives of all Christians, He’s going to “work things together for HIS good in the life of one who is called for HIS purposes.” [again, Rom. 8: 28 paraphrased]

But again I ask, do we believe that truth; and as we’re “tripping” in this life and in our relationship with Christ, do we live it? … Another faith inventory today for yours truly ... and prayerfully for you as well!

My Prayer Today: … Lord, I’m tripping through my life FOR YOU. Amen

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