Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 20, 2012 … Jesus: The Bestest Lord of All !!

Chronological Bible Reading Plan - Day 355

Passage of the Day: Reference of Today’s Chronological Bible Study: Hebrews, Chapters 1-6 To study these chapters, go to this link

Highlight Passages: Hebrews 1: 1-3 : [NLT] … {This book, author unknown, was written prior to the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70AD. It was written to/for Jewish Christians to assert the pre-eminence of Jesus as the Son of God, … superior to the Angels, … one with God, the Father… and the fulfillment of the Old Covenant, … establishing the New Covenant forever.} … 1 Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. 2 But now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised everything to the Son as an inheritance, and through the Son he made the universe and everything in it. 3 The Son reflects God’s own glory, and everything about him represents God exactly. He sustains the universe by the mighty power of his command. After he died to cleanse us from the stain of sin, he sat down in the place of honor at the right hand of the majestic God of heaven

Highlight Passages: Hebrews, Chapters 2-6 … please use the link above to read, study, and meditate on these chapters of this powerful letter of truth : [NLT] 

My Journal for Today: Today my chronological reading takes me to the letter from an unknown author to the Jewish Christians in an around Jerusalem about 65-69 AD; and it was a letter, likely written by an associate of the Apostle Paul, who desired to help Jewish believers avoid falling back into the legalistic traditions of the Old Covenant and to help them to avoid falling prey to the Judaizers of the day, who were preaching a hybrid religion of Jewish Christianity, requiring those following Christ to be “converted” into the religious rituals of the Old Covenant before becoming fully “christian” [with a small “c”]. The Author of Hebrews wanted his readers to KNOW the superiority of the New Covenant over the Old Covenant … as well as the sovereignty of Jesus, who was one with Yahweh and, as my title for today’s blog intimates, THE BESTEST LORD of all !!

Remember, in Romans 12: 1-2 Paul wrote that now, in Christ, our lives are to be 24/7 living sacrifices, avoiding the ways of the world and allowing Christ, through His Spirit, to renew us into the image of the One Who came to save us, … The Messiah, … The Christ, … JESUS! But the first century Jews tended to fall back on their Jewish Traditions. And every time I think of that, I can’t help but recall that great scene from the Broadway Play (and movie), where the main character tells the audience of the TRADITIONS which dictate the life of orthodox Jews – those who rejected the superiority of Jesus as the NEW way, the NEW truth, and the NEW life. This link will take you to a You Tube piece to let you see that wonderful scene. 

It is quite easy for us humans to fall back into patterns of life which become more important than the reason for those patterns. That’s “legalism;” and the Author of Hebrews was trying to awaken 1st Century Jewish Christians to the reality of Christ as their Messiah and the Redeemer of all mankind. And this Author exhorted his Jewish readers to recognize and worship JESUS as one with Yahweh, with the primary message being that Jesus is all we need for our lives, … a message which is beautifully sung and presented by the group Hillsong in this You Tube piece.  …

So take in that link and song as the summary of my blog of these six chapters of Hebrews today.

My Prayer for Today Yeshua, … You are all I need!!! … Amen

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