Tuesday, May 05, 2009

2009 – Day 124.May 05 – Critical Decisions

2009 – Day 124.May 05 – Critical Decisions

Passage of the Day: 1st Samuel 25: 20 – 28 …
Link to 1st Sam. 25 for study …

My Journal for Today:
This gal, Abigail, was quite a lady. Here she was with a scoundrel for a hubby; and she’s confronted with a king-to-be who’s hot with anger; and what does she do? Well, creatively she convinces David that he would do his image and reputation ill if he acted on that anger by killing Abigail’s husband, who was aptly named Nabal, which, according to my Bible dictionary, meant “the fool.” And so, confronted by this Godly woman who is creatively confronting him with God’s wisdom, David realizes that it would be an ill-begotten decision to kill this fool.

And again, I say that Abigail teaches us another lesson about life. Yesterday, Swindoll’s devotional helped me to recognize what a blessing it is to have a wife who is a Godly woman. And no one should have recognized that more easily than I, because I am a “Nabal” who was blessed by God to have an “Abigail” wife. And I can recognize much of my own dear wife, Elly, in Abigail, a woman who would stand up for her husband and do all she could/can to shield her family from the forces of the world; and this would be true in spite of a husband who can be, and often is, one fool-hardy dude.

But beyond that amazing quality in Abby, this dear woman showed that in a crisis, anyone who is surrendered to God can do amazing things for the Lord. Never underestimate what you can do for God, Who sees much more in you that you might see in yourself. And right now I’m thinking of many great figures of the faith, people who rose well above their own self image to do great things for God. They are people like Moses, Gideon, Rahab, Esther, and today’s highlighted servant, Abigail. All of these Old Testament characters doubted themselves or their position for God; but when it came right down to it, God used them for His glory.

I’m now reflecting back about 25 years in my life, … just after surrendering my life to Christ and thinking that I had so little to offer God and His kingdom, having squandered much of my life as a scoundrel, a con-man, and a fool. But bragging only on God’s transforming grace, I may still be a fool for Christ at times; but somehow God has reshaped this meager soul into a Church Elder, Ministry Director, and Ordained Minister. And it was my dear wife, … my “Abigail,” in the person of Elly Berry, who was used by God to protect our family, forgive me, encourage me, and stick with me until God could do His thing in my heart.
Now, I hope and pray this day that we can see that God can use any of us as an Abigail for His glory. But we must be ready; and when the opportunity to act presents itself, we have to be willing to jump into the fray and be used of/for God.

My Prayer for Today: Lord, may we all become ready to be used for Your glory. Amen

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