Monday, May 11, 2009

2009 – Day 140.May 11 – Taking Control

2009 – Day 140.May 11 – Taking Control

Passage of the Day: 2nd Samuel 2: 1 – 7 …
Link to passage for study …

My Journal for Today: Finally the time came for David to move from fugitive to monarch. But with Saul now dead by his own hand, how did David move ahead? He had been a dozen or more years fleeing Saul and fighting in the desert wilderness; and David had learned to look to God before leaping ahead on his own. And this is the lesson we should learn from today’s passage in David’s life.

When we get an opportunity, perhaps a promotion or the chance to exercise our own control in life, the natural tendency is going to be to “take control” in the flesh. However, it would be wise to learn from David’s life here. The first thing David did when he was finally anointed to be the King in Judah was to humbly wait on God for direction and guidance. And that it is the ever present life lesson we get from God’s wisdom in Proverbs 3: 5 – 6, linked here for your convenience.

And I hope you have that one passage memorized and down cold; because the guidance from God’s truth here can impact anyone throughout our lives. And David, in our study today, is a good example of this truth. When we have the opportunity to exercise power or control in life, the wisest thing we can do is to set aside pride and humbly do what Christ commands in Luke 9: 23 … to set aside self and follow our Savior no matter what the daily cross might be.

Now, back in the day when our passage today was describing David’s time of anointing, God spoke directly, and even audibly, to His servants or anointed leaders. But in this time of the New Covenant, God primarily “speaks” to His followers through His word, … the Bible. And that is why the advice of Prov. 3: 5 – 6 and from the very words spoken by our Lord in Luke 9: 23 are so pertinent to us in life. Because when we have the chance to move ahead and direct the affairs of mankind, exercising God-given control, when we follow His word, we will find His will and His way; and He will lead us to take Godly actions which will glorify our Father in Heaven. Relying on self, however, will very often lead to selfish disaster.

So, here we have another inventory moment, … one of those “pop quizzes” from God’s truth, … a 2nd Cor. 13: 5 moment, … a test of our faith. And I ask myself, “Bill, do you filter ALL of your directions and decisions through God’s word for guidance and confirmation?” And to that question, I can honestly say that I’ve come to the place where that is my reflex and “M.O.” in life. How about you? Are you looking to God’s word, and going to God in prayer (as we’re directed in Phil. 4: 6 – 7) to seek out God’s peace as our stamp of approval on the decisions we make?

If you’re not, I would exhort you to begin developing and acquiring the discipline which was exhibited by David in today’s passage. Take it from one who has learned by the life courses of “hard knocks.” Going to God first and humbly finding His will through His word is going to pay big dividends in your life if you can learn that as a discipline rather than relying on our own hearts and our flesh to make important decision in life.

My Prayer for Today: Lord, may I humbly seek Your way through Your word to guide me in life. Amen

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