Saturday, January 30, 2010

2010 Day 30. Jan. 30 – Equality of Atonement

From Exodus 28-30 ... specifically from Exod. 30:15 – The rich are not given more than half a sheckel and the poor are no to give less when you make the offering to the Lord to atone for your lives.

My Devotional for Today: In God’s eye of justice each of us is equally guilty of our own sinfulness, and we must all pay atonement for our sin so that we can stand before the throne of grace having paid for our sins. And this atonement has nothing to do with our ability to pay. Rich and poor must all pay the price and only One – The Lamb of God – can pay that price; and He has done so forever – in propitiation for our sins - on the cross at Calvary.

The question now becomes the one my devotional author F. LaGard Smith asks today, “If God regards each and every soul as equal before Him, am I making class distinctions that really shouldn’t matter?” God sees you and me as the same at His Throne of Grace; but the ultimate sociological question becomes … do I see us as equals and do I treat you as equal to me in the judgment court which we call life?

Oh, how I pray that to be the case.

My Prayer for Today : Forgive me, Lord, if I see myself as better than others. Amen

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