Wednesday, April 22, 2009

2009 – Day 111.Apr. 22 – “The Battle Is Mine”

2009 – Day 111.Apr. 22 – “The Battle Is Mine”

Passage of the Day: 1st Samuel 15: 40 – 47 …
Link to study passage …

My Journal for Today:
Let’s make this morning’s message simple. Go to the last verse (v. 47) in today’s highlight passage, as David cries out to this giant before him, “Then all this assembly shall know that the LORD does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the LORD’s, and He will give you into our hands.“ And I have underlined the operant truth for emphasis.

David knew, in his heart, that this battle would showcase God’s strength in the face of his (David’s) weakness; and David had experienced that many times out in the fields, taking defenseless sheep from the mouths of hungry bears/lions. David KNEW that this battle was God’s; and David KNEW that God would prevail. How about you? When you face your Goliath today, will you be able to rely on your deep and abiding relationship with Christ, to let you face down your fears and let God do battle – for His glory – through you?

And I’m telling you that unless you are a practiced warrior, as was David, it will be highly unlikely that you face down your Goliath KNOWING that the battle is God’s, not yours. David had faith; but beyond his faith, David had experience and practice with that faith. He just KNEW that this battle was God’s battle; and so he boldly went forward. Fellow warrior, if you don’t believe that God’s truths like the ones I referred to yesterday (again see Isaiah 41: 10, Romans 8: 31, 1st Cor. 10: 13, and 2nd Cor. 12: 9) and you have not experienced those truths operating in your life, you are not likely going to march out to face those giants in your life.

But if you KNOW those truths; and you’ve practiced life with them to see them operate, you can and will face down your Goliaths and let God have the glory. That’s why I’m such an advocate of a battle plan which saturates our minds/hearts with God’s truth from His word. My weapon of choice to do battle with my Goliaths is God’s Sword. And I’m saying that if you’re not a warrior who carries a sharpened and practiced sword of the Spirit (see Eph. 6: 17) with you at all times, you’ll not likely be able to give God the battle and let Him win it through you. And if you don’t carry that sharpened and well practiced sword, you will likely cower before your Goliath rather than to face it down boldly as did David.

David’s weapons of choice were a few smooth stones and his sling, with which he was well practiced and skillful. So, my prayer today for all of us is that we take up God’s weapon (which is His truth) and practice with it (memorizing it and meditating on it daily as exhorted by Joshua 1: 8) so that when we are confronted by Goliath, we can pick up that practiced sword or those smooth rocks and let the battle be The Lord’s.

My Prayer for Today: Help me to be Your warrior, Lord; and my battles today are Yours. Amen

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