Tuesday, April 07, 2009

2009 – Day 96.Apr. 7 – Three Secrets Revealed

2009 – Day 96.Apr. 7 – Three Secrets Revealed

Passage of the Day: Deuteronomy 34: 1 – 12 …
Link to study today’s passage …

My Journal for Today:
Today Swindoll helps his readers, like me, to see three secrets of life which are revealed by the life of Moses.

# 1. The secret of fulfillment in life is INVOLVEMENT. Do you look forward to the world’s stereotype of “retirement” some day where you kick back your life and go into auto-pilot, relaxing, playing a lot of golf or bowling, and joining a cool village of retirees focused on selfish living? If so, the stats say that you’ll live about 17 months after your 65th birthday. But cold, hard stats also tell us that those who are into others and living out Phil. 2: 3 – 4, will live a lot longer than those who live for self. I just turned 65 a few months ago. And I “retired” from my “professional” career of 33 years a few years ago; but I didn’t call it a “retirement.” I called it a “commencement,” because God has shown me His will for my life; and that plan involved reaching out to help others find what Jesus spoke of as His mission statement in Luke 4: 18. I exhort you to read that statement of INVOLVELEMNT and find yourself in that truth somewhere. So that’s life secret #1; … INVOLVEMENT in God’s work gives life length for His glory.

#2 . The secret of reality in life is HUMILITY. Moses discovered a humble surrender to God’s will and His way produced the realness which could be used by God for His kingdom purposes. So, as Swindoll points out, if involvement gives life length, HUMILITY gives it breadth. By being totally available to God, Moses was given opportunity to reach out in God’s Name and be His servant. Such HUMBLE surrender and availability gives life direction and purpose – Godly purpose. When we’re surrendered into the center of God’s will, His Spirit can use us in ways we could never imagine within our own flesh. So, we must ask if we are walking in our own will or God’s. If it is the latter, and we’re using our God-given gifts in a God-directed life, we will find life secret #2 and the Lord opening doors and giving us His power to serve Him with His purpose for His glory.

#3. The secret of happiness in life is PERSPECTIVE. I just went to three funerals in the past two weeks; and all of them were for Christian brothers who had lived with great, Godly perspective. Like Moses, these men learned that death was inevitable; but life is not. We have no choice about when we die; but we do have a choice as to how we live – while we live. Moses learned that lesson wandering for 40 years as a shepherd in the wilderness. I learned that lesson wandering 40 years in habitual selfishness and sinfulness. We both learned that turning our lives over to God gives us the purpose and power to be used for His glory. And seeing life (i.e., having that PERSPECTIVE) is life secret #3 and makes for joy that can never be found in living for self.

What about you? Are you living with [#3] Godly perspective in [#2] humble surrender, [#1] involving yourself in the lives of others rather than self? Because … if you are, you are not just a man or woman of God; … you are a Godly man or woman. [#1] Godly INVOLVEMENT in life is empowering you to live longer. [#2] Godly HUMILITY in life is enriching you with purpose. And [#3] Godly PERSPECTIVE is providing you with the joy of knowing that you are serving God in His will and in His way.

If, however, you are pursuing life for yourself, you will find only YOU and what you pursue will be for YOU. That kind of narrowness and pride will – I promise you – lead nowhere but into yourself and unto yourself. Live for God and others, however, and you’ll be living for eternity. And as with all things life, that is our choice.

My Prayer for Today: Lord, help me to live for You, … searching always for Your will and living in Your way. Amen

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