Monday, April 27, 2009

2009 – Day 116.Apr. 27 – Never Alone

2009 – Day 116.Apr. 27 – Never Alone

Passage of the Day: 1st Samuel 21: 10 – 22: 2 …
1st Sam. 21-22 for study …

Added Passage: Psalm 142: …
Linked for study …

My Journal for Today:
Have you ever been bummed out and down in the dumpers to the point where you just want to be alone? Well, that’s where David was in this scenario today from 1st Samuel. He was on the run; and Saul was really after him. He was going from place to place and hiding in caves in the wilderness of the Negev. I’ve been there; and it’s a desolate area. One can see how David would be so low. When you read Psalm 142, which was a song of lament David wrote during those times, you can see just how low David felt.

But in the midst of all of this, two very positive things remained. First – and foremost – David never lost sight of his need for God. Yes, reading Psalm 142 shows he was really down; but he was not out because he was crying out to God; and you can sense that David still knew that God was his only answer in these troubled times. Sure, things might be really bad for you now; but there is always God; and He may seem far away; but if you believe as did David, you know God will never leave you nor forsake you (see Deut. 31: 6 or Hebrews 13: 5). And if you believe that, as did David, and cry out to God for Him to show you His light in the darkness, the Lord is there with you. You are NEVER ALONE.

Secondly in today’s passages, you’ll note that David’s loved ones didn’t abandon him in his troubled times. No, even though David would probably have wanted to be alone, his family and his close compatriots came to him; and they stood by David, willing to die with him. When you have a loved one who is down and out, are you willing to live – and die – WITH that person? David’s mighty men were simply not going to let David bear the world’s challenges alone. And they came to him; and they stayed with him.

But even if David had not had this support, God was there with him; and God was allowing these events to reshape the “man after God’s own heart” for later service. In the past couple of weeks, we’ve seen that David had been shaped as a boy in the desert as a shepherd; and God was with him during his high times, when he defeated Goliath. God was also with him as he became Saul’s general, slaying the ten thousands which led to Saul’s jealousy. And God was with David out there in those caves as Saul pursued David, trying to have him killed.

We must never forget, and we must believe, that we are NEVER ALONE.

My Prayer for Today: Thank you, Lord, for always being with me. Amen

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