Tuesday, July 08, 2014

July 8, 2014 … Peace Which Guards the Heart

Daily Berry Patch Devotions in 2014 - Day 189

Devotional Song: Go to this link  … Please go this video link to hear a praise chorus singing Wonderful Peace, reminding us that our peace is always a choice found in a deep and thankful and abiding relationship with Christ; and peace is a choice, not a feeling.

Highlight Passage - NKJV - Philippians 4: 7
  7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Highlight Passage [Context] - Philippians 4: 6-9 … Go to this link

Reference Passsage #1 … Isaiah 26: 3 [NKJV] …
3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

Reference Passage #2 … Matthew 6: 25-34 [NKJV] … Go to this ink

Reference Passsage #3 ... 1st Peter 5:7 [NKJV] ...
7 Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you. 

My Journal for Today: How many reading here with me today would like to have a little more (maybe a lot more) peace in your lives? ... Do I sense a whopper of an "AMEN" out there?

Of course, ... we'd all relish having a more peaceful existence, ... wouldn't we? In this day of informational overload as well as the infamous & pressing "tyranny of the urgent," we'd all like to be soothed by a reduction in stress. But how to to find more peace for our lives is the operant question, isn't it?

 I have one suggestion. I know that I feel so de-stressed & so much more peaceful after I've been blessed by having a one hour therapeutic massage in a quiet room by a licensed and experienced massage professional, especially when I'm surrounded by the relaxing recorded sounds of waves gently washing up on the beach. But that's just one anti-stress strategy; and not everyone can or will be able to use it.

But we Christians need to realize that we don't have to have a deep tissue massage to find more peace for our lives. Actually, the greatest de-stressor we have in this life as Christians is a deep and abiding
relationship with our Lord and Savior.

As you take in the image of the attached photo, the linked praise song, and the highlight scriptures all point to the promises from God to provide, through God's enabling grace a peace, which as it says in today's highlight passage, "... a peace which surpasses all understanding" ... and one ... "which will guard our hearts & minds in Christ Jesus."

Now that's an Anti-stressor; wouldn't you agree??!! ... But ... Do we believe it? ... And are we living it?

My Prayer for Today … Lord, I know that more peace from You can only come in my faithful and thankful surrender to Your Spirit. ... Amen

Blogger Note: Everyday during this year, my daily devotional blogs are influenced by the reading and study of the online devotional blog entitled Our Daily Bread [TGIF], distributed online via email by RBC Ministries. If you GO TO THIS LINK  on the date of my blog, you’ll find a link to read the Our Daily Bread blogs; or you can subscribe to the blog via email at that site.

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