Tuesday, March 03, 2009

2009 – Day 61.Mar. 3 – An Ordinary Day

2009 – Day 61.Mar. 3 – An Ordinary Day

Passage of the Day: Exodus 3: 1 - 3 …
1 Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2 And the Angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed. 3 Then Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.”

My Journal for Today: Yes, as Swindoll exposes today in his devotional, it was an ordinary day of shepherding for Moses that day in the deserts of Sinai when God decided to break His 40 year silence in the life of this silent servant. But in God’s timing and in Moses’ preparation, the time had come. But before that “day of the bush,” there were no unusual signs that this was the day to change the lives of Moses or God’s chosen people.

And we should, as Swindoll points out, ponder the reality that this is the way it will be when Jesus comes back to liberate His Church. Today is a day like all days. I’ve gotten up and I’m sitting here early in the morning, doing my devotional, typing my thoughts and seeking God’s insights. I’ve gone through my personal discipline of taking my morning medications and vitamins; and I used my sinus flush system as I do every morning. A little later, after my devotional time and posting this journal entry on my ministry website and blogsite, I’ll go through my other hygienic routine of washing my teeth, flossing, shaving, and bathing. Then, as it is my Tuesday routine, I will go to an early morning men’s Bible study at our church. All of these are a part of my very normal morning and Tuesday morning routines of life; but then, with the help of this devotional, I realize that Jesus could come today, as it says in Scripture, “like the twinkling of an eye.” Yes, our Lord could appear and come for His Bride, The Church even today.

And I ask myself in this moment of realization, “Am I ready?”

Moses was. He, without knowing it, and by his dedication to follow God, had been getting ready for 40 years, doing what God had led him to do. For 40 years, he had been doing what Jesus commands all of His disciples to do in Luke 9: 23 (oh, how I hope you know that that command says). And Moses, without really knowing it, had also been doing what it says in Rev. 19: 7 – 8. He had been preparing himself for the coming of God. And in the imagery of the New Testament, I need to ask myself, if what I’m doing in my daily, weekly, and regular life is preparing “my linens” for the wedding feast of the Lamb of God, who will one day – maybe today – come to take His Bride home.

And just as personally as you read this, you need to ask yourself, “Am I doing what I need to be doing to ready myself for the spectacular coming of Christ?” We all need to be checking our lives regularly to see if what we’re doing on a routine basis is readying ourselves for our Lord’s second coming. I ask myself today, “Is what I’ve doing this very morning, as routine as it is, what I should be doing to be ready when my Lord takes me home to be with Him for eternity?”

It is a worthy exercise periodically to test our routines and habits in a way, exhorted by 2nd Cor. 13: 5 and, as I alluded above, Rev. 19: 7- 8, to see if what I’m into on a daily or regular basis is preparing me, as Moses’ life prepared him, for that day when he looked up in the slopes of Mt. Sinai and saw that burning bush. Time to take inventory … ???

My Prayer for Today: May my life, today and tomorrow and every day, ready me for Your coming again. Amen

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