Sunday, March 22, 2009

2009 – Day 80.Mar. 22 – “Do Not Fear!”

2009 – Day 80.Mar. 22 – “Do Not Fear!”

Passage of the Day: Exodus 12: 31 – 14: 14 … Exodus 12 – 14 for your reading of today’s passage …

My Journal for Today:
Have you ever felt yourself in a tight predicament? Maybe you felt like you were led into a cul-de-sac; and you felt helpless? Well, what’s the normal, human reaction in such a situation? Well, … Swindoll writes that the normal human reaction is generally to show our fear by either running or fighting; and we will usually also find the person who feels threatened pointing a finger of blame at someone, usually a leader, and squawking their complaints loudly. And that was exactly what happened in the scenario from today’s passage from Exodus.

The Jews had been led to a place where they were facing the Red Sea, and the chariots of Egypt with an angry army were at their backs with the intent of killing them all. They wanted to run in fear; but there was no place to run. They would fight in their fear; but they had no weapons to match the Egyptian army. So, they yelled their fear-driven complaints at Moses. And Moses then gave them God’s prescription for handling predicaments like the one they were in.

In essence, Moses told the people something outlandish. He told them to stand be quiet and watch the Lord do His thing. And we know the story. God did just that; but you can imagine the human feeling, having been led into that predicament by Moses, who was speaking for God. I think we all get to places in our lives, when we feel that God has led us into something we can’t handle. Most of those times, however, it is not God who has led us into the predicament. We put ourselves there; and then we express our fear and anger by blaming someone in authority or at God Himself.

But as I do often, I invoke the claims of God, which I’ve burned into my heart from passages like Romans 8: 28, 31 or Phil. 4: 13, or also from Paul in 1st Cor. 10: 13 or 2nd Cor. 12: 9, or from the OT in Isaiah 41; 10. All of these Scripture passages [good ones to memorize], as well as the lessons from today’s passage, help us realize that God does His best work when we helpless humans believe that His grace is sufficient and that His power to help us can deal with any predicament in which we find ourselves. But we’ve got to believe that God is the helper of the helpless; and we’ve got to stand in faith, BE QUIET, and wait on God to lift us up when our backs are against the wall. Not easy to do; but necessary!

The Hebrews were led by God to this frightening place; and Moses showed them something we still talk about to this day. It was a lesson in faith over fear that we must believe and live, or we are forced to run and fight on our own. Personally, I think it best to trust that God cares enough for me (amazing as that truth is!) and that He will watch over me in any predicament.

My Prayer for Today: You led me here, Lord! I stand in faith, waiting on Your deliverance. Amen

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