Sunday, March 01, 2009

2009 - Day 59.Mar.1 - A Major in Obscurity

2009 – Day 59.Mar. 1 – A Major In Obscurity

Passage of the Day - Exodus 3: 1 …
Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.

My Journal for Today: We revisit the concept of God using lessons in obscurity (see my entry of Feb. 27th) to use our God-given gifts for His glory or to prepare us for some God-ordained plan for our future. The latter, of course, was the reason why God had Moses out in the desert of the Sinai, tending sheep for the second third of his life.

Swindoll reminds us again of Moses’ first forty years, spent in the lime-light of Egyptian royalty, where everything he did was scrutinized and revered. But when God led him into the Midianite deserts to become a shepherd for the next 40 years, the sheep he tended didn’t care who he was. They just followed him from one source of water and food to another; and God was using these lessons in humility to prepare our protagonist for what was to come.

I talked about this earlier (again, see Feb. 27), that often we may live a “hum-drum,” repetitive, and even boring lives; and we wonder why God has planted us there. And I maintain that these types of feelings are the result of God’s testing of our faith, … testing our belief in such truths as Prov. 3: 5 – 6 and Romans 8: 28. Sometimes we need to earn our degree in obscurity and followership before we can get the job as “leader” in God’s Kingdom. OR … it may be the case that where we are exactly where God can use our gifts and talents for His kingdom purposes for the rest of our lives.

In Moses’ case, he was in the desert as a shepherd for those 40 years in the college of obscurity, learning what God needed him to learn and preparing him for his burning bush diploma. And today’s verse has him about to get his degree in obscurity and to be thrust once again into the lime-light of leadership. I pray that whatever is God’s intention for my day-by-day, life in obscurity, I accept it and do what my Savior commands all of His disciples to do … to deny self, to take up the crosses of life laid before us, and to follow Him (see Luke 9: 23). If I do that, I know that I will get my Master’s degree in followership; and maybe I’ll have the opportunity and the privilege to lead others to the Lord.

My Prayer for Today: Lord, You said to Peter, “Tend My sheep.” I feel You saying that to me; and I will do that, Lord, to follow You. Amen

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