Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12, 2014 … Our Hyperseeing God

Daily Berry Patch Devotions in 2014 - Day 43

Devotional Song: Devotional Song: Go to this link …  Please go to this video link to hear my favorite Christians group, Phillips, Craig, and Dean singing the poignant song, He’ll Do Whatever It Takes, … reminding us that our God is a “hyperseeing God,” and He sees us in the image we will become when His Spirit has does His work in transforming us into the image of our Lord.

Highlight Passage – NKJV: 1st John 3: 3 [NKJV] …
When He is revealed, we shall be like Him
Highlight Passage [Context] – NKJV: Romans 8: 28-30 [NKJV] … Go to this link  ============

Reference Passage #1: Philippians 1: 6 … [NKJV] …  
6 … being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; …

Reference Passage #2: Romans 8: 28… [NKJV] …  
28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, … to those who are the called according to His purpose.’

Reference Passage #3: Romans 9: 21… [NKJV] …  
21 Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor? ’

My Journal for Today: I thought I had a pretty good vocabulary; but my Our Daily Bread devotional today helped me to learn a new word; and it is “hyperseeing,” which apparently is defined as the ability of someone to see beyond what others without this talent can see. And probably the best human illustration is that quality of a sculpture to look a block of stone and see, as Michelangelo did in createing a Pieta out of a hunk of marble; or when the mega-sculpture, Gutzon Borglum, looked up at the side of a mountain at Mount Rushmore and saw the faces of four presidents. And when they were done with their work we were able to see the beauty they envisioned in those massive pieces of stone. [See the attached photos of these great works]

And our God is the ultimate in “hyperseeing,” because with His all knowing, all seeing character He can look into someone like yours truly; and a little over 30 years ago recast that block of stone, who was a hardened, angry atheist and reform me into the man I am today, … a man who is obsessed with God’s word and has been called and reformed into an Elder in my church and an ordained minister of the Gospel. Sometimes I look back and marvel at how God was able to see in me what I’ve become. And to think He’s not done! All I can say in this moment for my Lord’s hyperseeing exercise of grace is ”HALLELUJAH” and ”PRAISE THE LORD!!!”

Today, if you’ve used the link to the song which I went back to hear this morning, it will remind you , as it did me, to see this quality of “hyperseeing” which our Lord has used and will use to remake us into His image. That’s to what the Apostle Paul was referring when he wrote to the Church at Philippi about how God will “do what it takes,” as the song sings, to complete a born-again believer into the image of Christlikeness of our Savior. [Also see Philippians 1: 6]

I’m not bragging (except on God’s Spirit) when I say that God saw so much more in me 30+ years ago; and he went to work to recast me, like a potter does with His clay, [see Romans 9: 21 into the man I’ve become. But as I said earlier, PTL He’s not done; and the man I’ll be in glory will be much like one sees in the two images I’ve attached to this devotional. In a fallible, sometimes failing, hunk of stone, like me, my God sees a thing of beauty; and He’s reshaping me into that image.

And He will do that for you, as well, if you just be the rock submitting yourself to His hyperseeing ability to recast you into His own image. And all we have to do is surrender to the Master sculpture or the Master potter; and let Him do His work in us.

My Prayer for Today … Lord, You are the potter; and I am Your clay. Oh, please remake me into Your image. … Amen

Blogger Note: Everyday during this year, my daily devotional blogs are influenced by the reading and study of the online devotional blog entitled Our Daily Bread [TGIF], distributed online via email by RBC Ministries. If you GO TO THIS LINK  on the date of my blog, you’ll find a link to read the Our Daily Bread blogs; or you can subscribe to the blog via email at that site.

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