Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July 16, 2024 … Celebrating Good News …

July 16, 2024 … Celebrating Good News      

Devotional Song: ... GO TO THIS LINK ... </b> …  Please take the time to take in this song with The David Crowder Band singing O For a Thousand Tongues To Sing … Powerfully singing a contemporary version of the old Charles Wesley hymn which celebrates the sharing of God’s good news of salvation in Christ..   


Highlight Passage: … 2Timothy 2:9 [NLT] … 

 And because I preach this Good News, I am suffering and have been chained like a criminal. But the word of God cannot be chained.  

…Paul teaches Timothy (and all believers) that God’s good news cannot be chained or held back.     


Highlight Passage (in context): … 2Timothy 2:8-13  [NLT] … USE THIS LINK 

The Apostle Paul declares that God’s good news - i.e., His saving grace  - cannot be chained as he was when he wrote to Timothy.                                                                                              


Reference Passage: … Isaiah 52:7, 55:9  [NLT] … USE THIS LINK 

… God’s Prophet, Isaiah, proclaims truth that God knows what is best for mankind and blesses those who brings the truth of God’s sovereign grace to the people.         

Reference Passage: … Matthew 28:19-20  [NLT] … USE THIS LINK 

… Jesus calls on all disciples to GO and share God’s good news with all who would hear of His glorious saving grace.                    

Reference Passage: … Mark 16:15  [NLT] … 

15 And then He told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. 

… Mark relates that Jesus rebuked the unbelief of His disciples after the resurrection and charged them to go out and share the Good News of the gospel with all those who need to hear of God’s saving grace. . 

Reference Passage: … Acts 1:8  [NLT] … 

 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be My witnesses, telling people about Me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” 

… Jesus charges any/all who’ve been born again to be witnesses to His glory to any/all who will listen of God’s saving grace and the Good News of salvation.   

Reference Passage: … Romans 1:16  [NLT] … 

16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.

… Paul shows his willingness to share the Good News of God’s saving grace with anyone, … anywhere.    

My Devotional JournalToday’s Our Daily Bread  Author, Matt Lucas -  AT THIS LINK  - https://odb.org/2024/07/16/news-worth-celebrating  -  Shares about Charles Wesley writing the hymn O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing, which has 18 verses proclaiming the author’s radical life change thru the Good News of God’s saving grace.  You can hear a shortened, contemporary version of the hymn linked above.  

And the ODB entry today, reminds any who’ve been saved by God’s grace to be willing to respond to Jesus’ commission and call <b>(see Scriptures above)</b> to go out and share God’s good news of the Lord’s saving grace for any/all who would  believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior. I am one whose life was radically changed by believing in Jesus as The Christ.  How about you?        

My THANKFULNESS: ... Oh, Abba Father, thank You, King Jesus, … for Your saving grace which I’m called to share with all who will hear of Your good news, Lord. 

My Prayer Today: Oh Abba Father, ... King Jesus, ... . I’m praying today that those who read with me here will join me to go out and be Your witnesses to the world today.     Amen


Blogger Note:  Everyday during this year, my daily devotional blogs are influenced by the reading and study of the online devotional blog entitled “Our Daily Bread,” distributed online via email by RBC Ministries.  If you GO TO THIS LINK on the date of my blog, you can read/study the ODB blogs; or you can subscribe to the blog via email at that site.

1 comment:

Kjetil said...
