Wednesday, July 17, 2024

July 17, 2024 … Always Faithful …

July 17, 2024 … Always Faithful       

Devotional Song: ... GO TO THIS LINK ...   Please take the time to take in this song with Chris Tomlin singing Faithful … Poignantly, and yet powerfully singing of the faithfulness of our God.    


Highlight Passage: … Exodus 7:7 [NLT] … 

 Moses was eighty years old, and Aaron was eighty-three when they made their demands to Pharaoh..  

… Moses and Aaron were in their eighties when God called them to go unto Pharaoh to bring God’s people out of bondage in Egypt..     


Highlight Passage (in context): … Exodus 7:1-13  [NLT] … USE THIS LINK  

God is ALWAYS faithful and merciful, knowing what we can do to remain faithful to HIs calling.                                                                                                                   


Reference Passage: …Deuteronomy 7:9  [NLT] … USE THIS LINK …  

Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes His unfailing love on those who love Him and obey His commands.,

… God declares to God’s chosen covenant people that He is their faithful God, extending His faithful love on all who believe and follow His commands.


Reference Passage: … Psalms 86:15  [NLT] …  

15  But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness. 

… King David sings of God’s love and faithfulness being unending. 

Reference Passage: … Lamentations 3:22-23  [NLT] … USE THIS LINK 

… God, thru Jeremiah, that HIs love and mercy never end for those whom He loves.                     

Reference Passage: … 1Corinthians 1:8-9 [NLT] … USE THIS LINK 

… The Apostle Paul teaches truth to fellow Christians about God being faithful to His faithful followers to the end when He comes again.  

Reference Passage: … 1Thessalonians 5:24 [NLT] …  

24 God will make this happen, for He Who calls you is faithful. 

… Paul assures born-again Christians that God is ALWAYS faithful to those He calls to be His own.   

Reference Passage: … 2Timothy 2:13  [NLT] … 

13 If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Who He is

… Paul teaches Timothy that God remains faithful even if we are unfaithful     

My Devotional JournalToday’s Our Daily Bread Author, Nancy Gavilanes -  AT THIS LINK  -  told of two friends who were 80+ year old grandmothers and close friends who decided to travel the world into 23 countries across the globe to show an older generation that age should not limit them in the pursuit of their dreams.   

And I admire these grandmothers for their fortitude and ambition; but what I think the ODB entry shows, even more, is what is behind all the Scriptures shared above which say to us … that our God is faithful to carry out His covenant promises to all Who obey and follow Him, .. no matter what our age or status in life might be.  But the main question is … DO WE BELIEVE our God is faithful to His promises. … I do; … do you?         

My THANKFULNESS: ... Oh, Abba Father, thank You, King Jesus, … for Your faithfulness … ALWAYS!!  

My Prayer Today: Oh Abba Father, ... King Jesus, ... . I’m praying today that those who read with me here will join me to move ahead in life, knowing that You’re always faithful to Your promises, Lord.    Amen


Blogger Note:  Everyday during this year, my daily devotional blogs are influenced by the reading and study of the online devotional blog entitled “Our Daily Bread,” distributed online via email by RBC Ministries.  If you GO TO THIS LINK on the date of my blog, you can read/study the ODB blogs; or you can subscribe to the blog via email at that site.

1 comment:

Kjetil said...
