Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26, 2024 … All Clean! …

July 26, 2024 … All Clean!    

Devotional Song: ... GO TO THIS LINK ...  lease take the time to take in this song with Natalie Grant singing Clean … Poignantly and powerfully singing of how God sees all who have faith in him as being cleansed of our sin.


Highlight Passage: … Jeremiah 2:22 [NLT] … 

22 No amount of soap or lye can make you clean. I still see the stain of your guilt. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken! 

… God always and ever sees the stain of our sin, from which only He can cleanse us.                 


Highlight Passage (in context): … Jeremiah 2:1-5, 21-22  [NLT] … USE THIS LINK  

Jeremiah shows God’s people of The Messiah cleansing them of mankind’s sin against God.   


Reference Passage: … Psalm 103:11-12  [NLT] … USE THIS LINK … 

… King Davids sings of the Lord removing us from the stains of our sin as far as the east is from the west.    

Reference Passage: … Isaiah 1:18  [NLT] … USE THIS LINK 

… God, thru the Prophet Isaiah, promises to cleanse and make our scarlet sins as white as the snow or as the new wool.  

Reference Passage: … John 15:5  [NLT]  …  

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.  

… Jesus teaches His disciples (and us) that abiding in Him allows God’s chosen to be fruitful for the Lord. 

Reference Passage:</u> … 2Corinthians 5:17  [NLT] … 

17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!. 

… Paul teaches fellow Christians that we become new in Christ when we surrender to belong to Christ.  .       

Reference Passage: … 1John 1:8-9  [NLT] … USE THIS LINK 

… The Apostle John writes of God’s faithfulness to cleanse us of our sin when we’re willing to confess and repent of our sins. 

My Devotional JournalToday’s Our Daily Bread  Author, Adam Holz -  AT THIS LINK  -  tells of finding load of newly clean clothes, including the authors white shirt, which had been stained by leaving an ink pen in the shirt.  

I think all my Christian readers would agree that our lives have been stained by the sin of Adam and Eve;  … and for us to be cleansed of the stain of our sin, we must confess and repent of our sins so that the finished work of Christ on the cross can - AND WILL - cleanse us completely, as the Scriptures shared above declare.  Will you join with me in a resoundin “HALLELUJAH” as we share the joy of being cleansed from the stains of our sin as far as the east is from the west.   CLEAN … as Natalie Grant sings in the song linked above.              

My THANKFULNESS: ... Oh, Abba Father, thank You, King Jesus, … for cleansing me of my sins again today..          

My Prayer Today: Oh Abba Father, ... King Jesus, ... . I’m praying that those who read with me here will join me to praise and thank You, Lord, for cleansing us of our sin.  


Blogger Note:  Everyday during this year, my daily devotional blogs are influenced by the reading and study of the online devotional blog entitled “Our Daily Bread,” distributed online via email by RBC Ministries.  If you GO TO THIS LINK on the date of my blog, you can read/study the ODB blogs; or you can subscribe to the blog via email at that site.


Kjetil said...


Dave said...

Thank you Lord Jesus that you have made me clean! Hallelujah!